Self & Mind 


A place where we share our knowledge to empower you to take control of your self care.

Learn to meditate, sleep better, manage stress, plan your vision, be more productive and raise a mindful, resilient child.


Self & Mind is your guide to live more mindfully.

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Disconnect to reconnect: How stepping back propels you forward connection mental health productivity self care Sep 27, 2024

In today's fast-paced, technology-driven world, it's easy to feel constantly overwhelmed. Our brains haven't evolved as quickly as technology has, and the constant barrage of emails, notifications, and social media can lead to increased stress, decreased productivity, and even burnout. It's time...

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Your words have power: Language tips when talking about Mental Health mental health psychological safety Jul 30, 2024

Have you ever hesitated about how to talk to someone experiencing a mental health challenge? Maybe you weren't sure if "suffers from" was the right term, or if "anorexic" was an appropriate way to describe someone. The truth is, the language we use around mental health can have a significant...

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Digital Health: Balancing screen time and social media usage for your mental wellbeing procrastination productivity stress Mar 28, 2024

In 2024, it’s hard to remember what life was like without smartphones and social media. The past 20 years, particularly the past five years has seen the way we interact, communicate and access information completely transform. With terms like ‘Tik Tok’ it’s no wonder...

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5 Pillars for Performance: The key to being a high performer, without sacrificing your happiness. gratitude mental health productivity Feb 26, 2024

There is a common misconception that to achieve high performance in your career or personal endeavours, you must sacrifice your happiness. However, this couldn't be further from the truth. In fact, prioritising happiness can actually enhance performance and lead to greater success in the long...

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Why How You Breathe Matters breathwork mental health wellbeing tips Oct 31, 2023

Breathing is the only function of the autonomic nervous system (ANS) that is both automatic and within your conscious control.

Why dive into the mechanics of something as basic as breathing? It's something you do without even trying. Yes, you're absolutely right. Breathing happens effortlessly....

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The uprising of loneliness & how to reconnect connection mental health Sep 29, 2023

The inaugural State of the Nation report into Social Connections reveals almost one in three adult Australians say they are lonely, with one in six reporting severe loneliness. 

With two years of restricted social connection across the pandemic, as well as the increase of social media use,...

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Ashley Whithead's Turbo Breakfast Smoothie Recipe daily rituals healthy recipes morning routine wellbeing tips Jul 31, 2023

This creamy and delicious superfood smoothie is jam packed full of nutrients and makes for an incredibly healthy breakfast.

With maximum benefit and minimum effort, this healthy breakfast smoothie is an easy way for you to get all your nutrients in, including probiotics, protein, healthy fats,...

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How to foster Connection in the Hybrid Workplace connection hybrid working Apr 27, 2023

In the hybrid workplace, more teams than ever before are working from different locations. Just because your team is scattered across different places doesn't mean you can't still foster social connection and collaboration. In fact, it's those very things that can make or break a hybrid...

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How to use the Technology of Hybrid Work Better connection hybrid working Apr 26, 2023

Technology can either make or break the hybrid workplace. It can facilitate productivity, communication and connection, but it can also be a source of stress, distraction and burnout. The key is to use these tools with mindfulness and purpose. In this blog, we're focusing on the most common tools...

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Your Body and the Hybrid Workplace hybrid working wellbeing tips Apr 20, 2023

 In the changing environment of the hybrid workplace, one thing remains constant: the importance of caring for your body. Your body is always talking to you, sending signals about its needs and its condition. Whether you find yourself working from home or in the office, it's important that...

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Your Routines and the Hybrid Workplace hybrid working morning routine productivity sleep Apr 19, 2023

When your work routine changes, adapting your habits is crucial. Whether you work remotely or in an office, it's important to prepare yourself both mentally and physically for the day. Maintaining a consistent schedule, taking regular breaks, and limiting screen time can enhance both...

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Blog Series: How to thrive in a hybrid workplace as a leader, employee and person hybrid working Apr 13, 2023

The hybrid workplace has gone from buzzword to the norm. It's a model that offers the best of both worlds: the freedom of working remotely and the social benefits of working in an office. In the first of our Hybrid Work Series, we'll dive into the hybrid workplace and explore its advantages and...

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