Feel better with Chelsea Pottenger's top 3 tips to improve your wellbeing

wellbeing tips Jan 18, 2023
Chelsea Pottenger Resilience Speaker Sydney

Chelsea joined the team at Kochie Business Builders to share three tips to help improve your wellbeing. Start 2023 calmer and happier with these tools to take care of your mental health everyday.


1: Sleep is the elixir of life 

1 in 3 Australians don’t get enough sleep, the way you feel today, starts the night before. 30 minutes before you go to bed tonight, jump off your screens. That will help stimulate the pineal gland in your brain to create enough melatonin to help you get a deep night’s rest. 

Get more tips to improve your sleep: https://www.eqminds.com/blog/how-to-improve-your-sleep


2.Your Gut Health is deeply connected to your mental health 

Serotonin, your happy chemical, starts in your gut.  You can create a healthier and happier gut by introducing a wider variety of fruits and vegetables into your diet. Dr Rob Knight recommends trying to eat 30 plants a week. 

How to fit 30 plants into your diet in a week from the Mindful High Performer

  • Make a veggie juice for breakfast.
  • Swap pasta for zoodles (zucchini).
  • Add new vegetables to your roasting tray.
  • Munch on carrots and hummus.
  • Sprinkle organic species to your meal  


3. Meditation as a stress management tool 

Your amygdala is the area in your brain where stress and anxiety live. Science has shown if you practise meditation for just 10 minutes a day, you can shrink the size of your amygdala. When you turn meditation into a consistent habit, your amygdala gets smaller, helping you become less stressed and less anxious. 

Free meditations you can add to your daily routine: https://www.eqminds.com/meditation 


The small actions you take everyday have a large impact on your wellbeing. What steps will you take today to improve your mental health?

Watch the full video here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t633nLFSaGM